Le temps, le seul trésor que nous avons



Someone said “Your present is the result of your past, and your present will make your future. So, remember past is not past. Focus on your present and you will get a sweet result in the future.”― MD Abu Siyam. This statement makes me think about my past experience, and try to figure out the different mistakes that I made that caused me to lose some opportunities that was intended to help me to achieve my vision. Maybe you also you have some,  but as you know due to different reasons we have in life we cannot stay on one vision. We usually change visions according to what life is giving out, but what I really know is that the output of life expectation has a great relationship with the input we provide, and all of this is controlled by how we use our time.  


I remember it was in summer time in July 2014 when I decided to start learning how to play guitar with my colleague and neighbor, who was good at playing the instrument. I took that decision because I liked to play guitar so much, but also because I was jobless and I had nothing to do at that time- the only thing I had to do was wait until the start of my University study, and no one was ready to hire me for a job because I only had three months before starting my studies. So then I started my journey of learning the instrument, and I was lucky he didn’t ask me for money because I  was not able to provide it yet- the only thing he asked me was to be patient and work hard with passion and at the end of those three months I was able to grab my guitar and play something. I remember the feeling of joy that I had in that time which still continues now, and I think it will continue through all my life.


Throughout all these years  I gained many things due to that new experience I had. I helped many singers and choirs in their recording sessions, and I also managed to start a  project that I called ‘The Guitarcage’ which has an objective of teaching youth and adults to play guitar and increase their love of playing guitar so that they can manage to use their leisure or free time playing guitar and learning new things. In addition to that I found something good that has shaped my life through learning new things like guitar, which requires hard work and passion that creates in you a new mindset of being able to learn new things without considering how hard it is to complete it.




However all of this was not done accidentally, and I know that I am not the best in using my time well. Although it showed me the benefit we gain when we consider or value every single second that we have in our everyday life and try to benefit from it through learning new things. Doing and trying  new things is sometimes a battle we win whereas other times we lose, but there are some who don’t even fight that kind of battle just because they are comfortable with the life they live or they just keep being ignorant due to the lack of knowledge about it. Unfortunately we are busier than any other past generation and we are not effective in all the things we are trying to do. We try to manage everything but we can’t manage our time, yet we are created to be creative and what we have to know is that it takes time to be creative and our generation is very distracted by many things. Our leisure time surpasses our working time, social media is costing us too much time we, are becoming lazy and we don’t have enough time to rest due to the wrong use of our time. We are also having some incurable diseases such as diabetes and heart attack caused by our inactivity.


So I can end my story by saying that no one is born with every skill in their head. All that we can do now it is spend a different amount of time learning, and as long as you are still breathing you still have a chance to learn new things and create your own destiny that can help the world with those new skills.


According to CNS(Clinical Neurology Specialist) [https://www.cnsnevada.com/what-is-the-memory-capacity-of-a-human-brain/], our brain has a memory capacity of 2.5 petabytes which is equal to 2.5 million gigabytes digital memory. Imagine that space we have can be filled with new information and skills, so instead of spending most of our time whining and complaining and developing bad habits in our life, we need to use that time through learning new things and also teaching other new things which will change lives and destiny for many.


And what we have to remember is that the main focus of time management is not changing our time but to change our behaviour; we have to identify things that steal our time and that contribute a little to our life and replace it with things that improve it. We have  to prepare our goal so that we can spend our time in order to achieve it, and try to also create habits that help you to use your time in an effective way like waking up early in the morning, reducing the time of using electronic-devices, and sleeping enough.




They say a journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step, and the time we will start to consider our time and use it in a good and convenient way we will achieve more. We will increase our creativity, we will create our own job and achieve a sustainable development, we will live a successful life that will also help our next generation to fit in. So take your time, choose what you want to be and start spending your time thinking how you will achieve that, and for sure that time will pay. We all have twenty four hours each and every day but our lives become different based on how we use that treasure, so we need to learn how to invest our time.

OLIVIER Ishimwe -Author

Olivier Ishimwe is  a young environmentalist and climate activist highly passionate in addressing climate change issues on a national,regional and global level.Currently He works in a youth NGO called The Green Protector as a Communication Officer He believes in Learning new things as a way of progressing in life .

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